Networks are $24.00 each for a one year subscription. We bill annually in July. If you join in the middle of the year, you are prorated for the July billing cycle. Please download and complete the following application for Individual Membership. Once completed, please mail the application to the following address: Fire Notification Network P.O. Box 1312 Warren, MI 48090 or fax the completed application to 1-877-616-9334. Remember if you have any problems or questions, feel free to call us at 1-888-PSC-0911.
Do you
have a problem? Have a question about our application process, Give us a call at 1-888-PSC-0911 or fax us your
questions at 1-877-616-9334. Our mailing address is: |
©2008 - Site Maintained by Dennis Walus
FNNM-376 |
Last updated on
Wednesday September 24, 2008