Dispatcher Bios

To give our subscribers a little background of who the people behind the ID numbers are, we have created this profile to allow you to see just who is sending those pages. Thanks for checking us out!


069 - Les Butler is 47 years old and resides with wife Karen near Hell, Mi in Livingston County. Les is employed as an EMC engineer with one of the area automobile manufacturers. As a board member of FNN, Les has been our lead dispatcher, working to keep all of us in-line. He also is our short wave radio 'specialist', monitoring military and USCG activity worldwide.

Les is a technician class amateur radio operator (KB8WKE), has written several articles for Monitoring Times Magazine and maintains a very extensive web page of public safety communications information.

You are encouraged to visit his site at: http://my.voyager.net/butler/


099 - Sherman Rice resides in Romeo with his 2 sons, 4 and 9 years old. At 37, Sherman shares many of his fire related interests with his boys. Together he and the boys will frequently visit area fire stations to shoot photos of fire apparatus and exchange uniform patches.

Sherman is currently employed as a machinist and is a former volunteer Fire Fighter. He has been monitoring public safety communications, especially fire related traffic for more than 20 years and is an avid patch trader as well as a collector of die cast model fire and rescue vehicles.


Dan Jasina is 47 years old, single and  lives in Madison Heights 
and is employed as the director of maintenance for a private high 
school. Dan has been buffing fires in the metro Detroit area since 
1973 and has had many fire related photographs published in newspapers 
and magazines such as Fire Engineering and Firehouse. He is also a 
contributing editor to Fire Apparatus Journal magazine

Dan is the Secretary-Treasurer of Box 42 Associates and is a member and former officer of GLIAFAA. He holds an extensive knowledge of Detroit Fire Department apparatus and history as well as the history and operations of fire departments throughout the metro area.

325 - TIM TEER

325 - Tim Teer is our resident computer wiz. Tim is 38 years old, married to Jenny and they have a son, Jack. Tim and his family reside in Royal Oak. He is a licensed amateur radio operator (KB8RBC) and has been employed by AMR for the past 9 years as their information technology manager. 

He served as a Fire Fighter/EMT with the Franklin Volunteer Fire Department for over 16 years. His knowledge and experience in computers and programming has been invaluable to FNN and Tim is directly responsible for the creation of our web site.


358 - Ed Tobian of Capac in St. Clair County is 37 years old, married and is employed as a die designer at Atlas Tool, Inc. Ed is a member of the St. Clair County Fire Fighters Association and serves as an EMT for Marlette EMS in Sanilac County. 

He is an active scanner and CB radio buff and enjoys camping and hunting. Ed's home in Capac gives him good access to radio monitoring in the Northern Counties of Michigan's thumb area.


400 - Garry Watts is the Co-founder and President of FNNM and Public Safety Communications, LLC. Garry is 54 and resides in Warren, married with 2 grown children and one grandson Hunter. He is employed full time by Macomb Community College as a Fire & Life Safety Specialist. He  has proudly served for the past 27 years as a Police Reserve Officer with the Center Line Department of Public Safety. Garry was appointed to the postion of Captain in the reserves in 2006. Garry is also an instructor for the MPSCS Radio System & C-CERT.

Garry owns an extensive collection of die cast and model fire engines and fire related equipment and has recently added police related die cast. He also enjoys fire photography and buffing. He is a member and current President of Box 42, past regional vice president of IFBA, member of the International Fire Buffs Association, Member of South East Michigan Fire Chiefs and a member of the Fraternal Order of Police.

As President of FNNM, Garry was instrumental in the assumption by FNNM of the former paging group Michigan Public Safety Network. Garry has worked with fire paging networks nationwide in promoting common operating standards and practices between network owners and operators. Attending buff conventions and IFBA regional meetings has been a favorite endeavor as well as addressing the day to day operational needs of FNNM.


510 - Jeff Cherensky is FNN's webmaster and creator of our dispatcher profile pages. I am 47, married to Kendal and reside in Novi with our 2 Dalmatians, Dakota and Montana. I'm now retired from the Michigan Department of Corrections after working for several correctional facilities in the Detroit area. I was a Fire Fighter/EMT for the City of Novi Fire Department for 12 years and worked part and full time for 3 years as a dispatcher for Paramed, now AMR. I am a technician class licensed amateur radio operator (KC8KZP) and enjoy short wave and public safety monitoring. I utilize numerous scanners and monitor radios to keep apprised of breaking news and related activity throughout the metropolitan area.

I'm currently Vice President of Box 42, past Vice President and now Treasurer of the Novi Community Goodfellows and active with the American Red Cross as a disaster volunteer. I've only recently assumed the role of webmaster and have benefited greatly from hands-on instruction from 325/Tim Teer.

My first experience into the realm of communications monitoring came during the 1967 riots (sorry,"civil disturbance") in Detroit. While National Guard troops were peppering the theatre directly across the street from the DPD 5th Precinct with .50 caliber full-auto machine gun fire, attempting to take out the sniper firing on the station, I sat huddled in our nearby apartment, listening to the action on a $ 20.00 mutli-band Alaron radio. I was hooked! I continued to buy better radios and eventually scanners as they were introduced. Technology has sure come a long way from that first dial tuned little radio, but this has continued to be a fascinating and rewarding hobby.

552 - Mike
552 - A man of many words :)

751 - Ben Pinette
751 - Another man of many words :)

802 - ROSCOE
802 - Another man of many words :)


900 - Bob Mcadow who resides in Troy with his wife Connie and 2 Golden Retrievers is 61 years young and is employed as the Director of Loss Prevention for the Aco hardware chain. Bob has over 37 years experience in retail loss prevention and has held a number of public safety occupations over the years. From Fire Fighter roles in Lansing Township, Mi and Park Forest, IL., to Police Officer in Saugatuck, Mi., and serving as an intern for the Michigan State Police, Bob has kept busy serving the public. His accomplishments include a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University. 

Bob was recently named President of Box 42 Associates and holds memberships in the Oakland County Criminal Justice Association; Special Agents Association-secret squirrel division; American Society for Industrial Security and the Oakland County Association of arson and fire investigation.

Bob boasts of his computer prowess, however when asked to fill out a profile for this page, he wrote "computer expert" and underlined it. This from the guy who has trouble opening his e-mail on a daily basis. Every time he heard his computer spout "You've got mail" back in his study, he'd jump up and run out to the road, yank open his mailbox door and bitch loudly, saying the mailman fooled him again. Go figure!

1100 - DAVE

1100 - Dave is employed as a career officer with a suburban fire department


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©2008 - Site Maintained by Dennis Walus FNNM-376 fnnm376@fnnm.net | Last updated on Saturday October 04, 2008